Terms & Conditions
This page named the Terms & Conditions contains all those rules and regulations that are binding on all the parties concerned, be it the company, customer, prospects, or any other entity directly or indirectly involved. These conditions are by default applicable to all the random visitors, existing customers, and prospects as well. Any person willfully visiting the website and then availing any of our writing or mentoring services will be considered compliant with these rules.
When a customer hires any of our services without any coercion, he is believed to be showing agreement and compliance to all the rules mentioned here in this document. These rules are not limited to the direct visitors only, but also to those who land on our website through any referral links placed on any third party websites. Any person who shows refusal and disagrees with part or whole of terms and conditions will not be entitled to avail any of our services. Showing compliance to these rules is intended for a mutually beneficial and healthy working environment. These rules safeguard the rights of customer and company equally without any discrimination or prejudice towards one party.
Terms used here
Throughout the explanation and elaboration of these terms and conditions along with other policies, various terms will be used to address all those who avail our services or for those who are directly or indirectly concerned. Here below we have defined all those terms very precisely.
“You”, “Your”, “Customer”, “Client”, “Individual”, “His”, and all of these terms will be employed throughout the explanation of terms and conditions along with other policies. These terms will be used to address those who willfully and voluntarily plan to avail or avail, or has already availed any of our writing or mentoring services. Every visitor of this website will be bound to following these standard rules for availing our services.
Minimum age limit
Case48 is a legal business concern and it strictly follows all the laws of the land. The law sets a legal binding upon us to offer our services only to those who have attained the legal age limit that is 18 years. Any person below this age limit will not be entitled to avail our services.
Submit only factually correct information
While placing the order, the customer is supposed to enter some very fundamental information. Submission of factually correct information is very crucial in the whole process as the entire process is performed electronically and no physical or personal appearance is essential at any point or stage. The information is the only source of timely communication and very important in receipt generation. Submitting wrong or fabricated credentials or information can complicate the whole process and can keep us from offering our services to you. This can cause ambiguity and resultantly we can freeze the user account on suspicion of false information. That’s why we always urge the customers to submit only a hundred percent factually correct information and rest assured, this is only the system requirement, not even a fraction of your information is compromised or shared with any person in any case whatsoever.
Fair use of paper.
When we say custom writing, we mean every word of it. When a customer places an order for a specific paper, all his initial requirements, and guidelines are followed in the completion of that custom paper. This whole process carves out a document that is only useful for that particular customer because only the most relevant content is included in the paper. Only the legal paid owner gets access to his custom paper and he gets an exclusive right to use the paper for guidance and inspirational purposes. These model papers are prepared strictly in line with the instructions so that the customer may reproduce his version. Even the paid owner doesn’t have the right to make commercial use of the paper we deliver. The paid owner cannot claim this to be his self-created work and we never encourage submitting the same to your professor. Moreover, the paid owner cannot publish, print, or photocopy the same for any kind of commercial purposes at all. Any such activity will be considered a violation of copyrights.
Personal user account.
All our existing and future customers are allowed to create only one personal user account on the website with factually correct information. In a case where the company realizes that an individual has created more than one account on our website, the company holds an absolute right to freeze all dubious accounts, halt progress on that user’s ongoing projects until the fair settlement where the user confines to one single account with authentic information. Deletion of all additional fake accounts is also essential before resuming availing our services.
- When a new user creates a new user account on our website, the company offers him a $5 reward on new sign up which is added to his user account. When an existing user refers a new customer to our website, the existing customer gets another $5 reward when the new customer places an order and pays for it. This reward is given as our loyalty program. All of these credit funds available in your user account can be redeemed while placing a new order.
- When it comes to using your credit funds available in your user account, there is a pre-condition attached to it. A customer can only redeem half of the amount with these credit funds available in your user account, the rest half of the order is to be paid through any medium of payment of your choice from the list of our enlisted payment gateways. To make it even simpler, only half of the total sum to be paid can be compensated through these credit funds no matter how much fund is available yet the rest half is to be paid.
- Our company believes in nurturing a mutually beneficial and healthy working environment where the company keeps introducing various attractive discounts and cash backs to its existing and even new customers. These discounts can further reduce the cost of your orders that can be availed by discussing with our customer support team that is 24/7 readily available to assist you.
Rules regarding third party web links on our site
This is a very common and frequent marketing practice where a website contains third party website links. It is the case with our website Case48 where it can contain links to third party websites. We state very explicitly that we have nothing to do with these third party websites as none of these is directly related to us in any manner. This is just a common marketing practice on our part. In a case where a user lands on these third-party websites by clicking the links given on our website Case48, the user himself will stand liable for all of his communication, transaction or business with these third party website. The company Case48 bears no responsibility for any of the acts on part of the user or the third party website. In any case, of misappropriation or miscommitment, if any, the website Case48 will not be held accountable at all. Visit these third party websites only in your own free will.
We never guarantee definite grades
We are a professional team of educationists cum writers who believe in transparency and practicality in its truest sense. We NEVER commit or guarantee any certain grades to the students at all; instead, all we promise is high-quality content that we ensure every time around. Therefore, if a student fails to attain a certain grade after hiring our service, no such grievance or complaint will be considered, as we never commit to any certain grades at any point in time. The company is supposed to deliver a quality-oriented paper. The rest depends on the customer, how exactly he utilizes the content.
Delicacies of order placement form
When a customer visits our website and plans to avail any of our services, by hitting the order button he lands on a fill-in form that requires some fundamental personal information and largely about the scope and dimensions of his custom paper. This fill-in form is considered very important, this must be filled with care, and all the information must be double-checked to be confident of the facts. Also, make sure that no section is left blank.
- While entering the details regarding your custom paper, try to be specific, as these very dimensions will be used throughout the completion of your custom paper. You will be asked to mention the word count or several pages, your required referencing style, supporting material that you believe must be incorporated, and finally the deadline. The instructions and guidelines you specify in this section are considered ultimate and the entire paper is written strictly in line with these instructions. If you make any amendments later verbally, this carries a reasonable chance of missing so make sure that you have mentioned all your requirements and guidelines right there in the fill-in order form.
- In a case where a customer complains about any missing elements that were not mentioned in these initial guidelines and only made verbally, the website will bear no responsibility. That’s why in a case where you believe that you have missed mentioning some crucial points, make sure to immediately contact the customer support team and emphasize all those missing elements.
- In a case where a customer feels the urge to increase the word count or the number of pages, it is essential to communicate the same to the customer support team and the writer as well. All the additional work will be charged according to the standard rate. Entering the details in the initial order form is very important and this certainly affects the final paper formation, so make sure to double-check all the information.
Matters related to payment
While filling the fill-in form requiring the information regarding the dimensions and specifications of your paper, an exact amount will flash on your screen as the total cost of your paper. it is essential to pay the cost right in advance. We will only start working on your paper after the payment confirmation. A delay in making the payment will cost a delay in the completion of your paper because the writing process only begins after the realization of full payment.
- We have enlisted several payment gateways on our website that are the most used and widely trusted mediums of payment that are accepted worldwide. It is essential to select a mode of payment from only those enlisted on the website. No other mode of payment will be accepted, as we never take hard cash or bank drafts.
- The final cost of the paper is calculated considering multiple factors like word count or the number of pages and the time available for completion of the paper. A paper with a short time for completion will cost you more. That’s why we encourage the students to place order quite early to save money.
- The company charges only the flashed sum of money, which is the exact amount to be paid. This amount is calculated considering these factors mentioned above. Apart from this sum, we do not have any kind of hidden charges at all. In the case of international clients, there might be very slight differences due to currency conversion rates or the cost of making international payments. The company has nothing to do with this difference nor does it bear the responsibility for this difference.
- If a customer pays the amount by using unfair means i.e. with a stolen bank card or without the due consent of the real owner of the card, the company will bear no responsibility for this and the burden will only lie with the customer. We accept all payments with good faith and with the potential intent of legality.
Personal reviews of real clients.
On our website, there is a dedicated portion where we display the reviews and testimonials of our real-time clients with their names. We display these as a souvenir of our higher standards of quality and to show others how much our customers trust our writing services that tell about their success stories. In a case where a customer fears that his review displayed with his name could threaten his anonymity, he can ask for the deletion of his testimonial. The objecting client can directly access the customer support team and ask for the removal of his review. We will make sure to remove that particular comment as soon as possible.
Things to remember
As a sovereign and legal business concern, the company holds an absolute right to make changes to the whole, or the clauses of the “Terms & Conditions” at any time of its choice. The company is not legally bound to seek prior permission from all customers or parties concerned, before making these changes, nor does it stand liable to inform each individual or customer one by one. Instead, the company can communicate about these changes through a simple banner on the website or through the emails registered with us. Make sure to keep visiting your registered email addresses to stay updated with policy changes, if any. For further clarifications, you can contact our customer support team which is 24/7 available for any kind of assistance or information.